It looks like Dark Reign intersects my interests in two areas, with a third on the periphery. I've already talked about Namor's involvement in it and it also looks like there's some sort of untold story between him and the White Queen that's going to be revealed in Uncanny X-Men Annual #2.
I've also mentioned that it'll be the base off which Namora and the new Agents of Atlas ongoing are spun.
Those are my main points of interest, but my favorite Young Avenger, Kate Bishop, might also play at least a small part in it. For one thing, the Young Avengers are going to appear in Mighty Avengers #21.
While I've got zero interest in the new Mighty Avengers line-up, putting the Young Avengers in an issue will at least get me to pick it up and look at it. If Kate features prominently in it, I'll buy it.
What makes me think that maybe she will - even though there are numerous ways the Young Avengers could be involved in whatever story they're telling - is that Kate is currently fighting crime under the name Hawkeye and it looks like she may have some competition for that title from one of the new, "dark" Avengers.
Marvel's not really saying yet, but this sounds like a team that Norman Osborne has put together that he thinks he can control. I don't know who that is in the Hawkeye costume, but chances are it's not the original Hawkeye. He's apparently still dressing like a ninja and calling himself Ronin. (Besides, he's already given his blessing for Kate to carry on the Hawkeye name.)
So, it's just possible that there will be some conflict over who gets to use that name. If there is, Kate should be right in the middle of it.
Even if I was highly excited about the Secret Invasion when it got started, it bored me to tears from the third month on. And my disappointment still lingers, so, I'm basically unexcited about Dark Reign. Not that Dark Reign: Secret Invasion did anything to make me change my mind.
Namor looked like a bum. Norman manipulating Doom? Emma? Loki? That makes no sense.
If the regular series don't go back to their schedules I might probably drop the entire thing. I could stand the tie-inish thingy, but having 6 months of flashbacks in New Avengers, for example, won't work for me anymore.
Sadly, I think the House of Ideas just ran out of them.
Sad clown.
I should change the title of this post to "Why I'll Be Flipping Through Dark Reign in the Store." I feel exactly as you do about Secret Invasion, so I'll be careful about what I actually buy on this one.
Flipping seems just about right, lol
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