Marvel and DC have both released information about their April comics. Here's the stuff I found interesting:
Amazing Spider-Man #555
I'm not a Spider-Man fan and I can take or leave Wolverine, but dang those guys they're fighting look cool.
Hulk vs. Hercules: When Titans Clash
Looks like a continuation of the current "Incredible Herc" storyline currently in The Incredible Hulk comic, but even if it wasn't I'd be into it. Looks like a glorious smash party.
Mighty Avengers #12
I really don't care much about the Secret Invasion of Skrulls, but I do care about "WHERE THE HELL HAS NICK FURY BEEN??"
Secret Invasion #1
That said, I'll give this a flip through and see if it's interesting.
Detective Comics #843
You can't tell it from the cover, but this issue features Zatanna and that's always a draw. Especially Paul Dini-written Zatanna.
Tangent: Superman's Reign #2
I've never been a Green Lantern fan, but I love the design of the Tangent version. I'm not afraid to admit that it's the big ass lantern-on-a-stick. I'm tempted to give this issue a try even though it's part of a storyline/event that I care absolutely nothing about.
New Guardians of the Galaxy
I've really enjoyed Marvel's Annihilation: Conquest mini-series, so I'm glad they're going to keep going with the same characters when it's done. I mean, any comic with a talking space-raccoon is a good comic.
But you know how you could make that comic better? Call it Guardians of the Galaxy and put an alien with a giant fin on his head in it. We're halfway there; I just need to know where the petition I need to sign is to include Yondu.
(I realize that not even Rocket Raccoon is a done deal for the series, but a man has to dream.)
Zenescope? Yes, Zenescope.
I haven't been a big fan of Zenescope's comics so far, but they've got some upcoming projects that sound really cool. One is Dan Wickline's ongoing Sinbad series.
The other is Ken Haeser and Buz Hasson's The Living Corpse. It's not as natural a draw for me as Dan or Sinbad comics in general, but the preview makes it look like fun.
Other comics I'm looking forward to
I forgot to mention it here at the time, but my Blog@ post last week was the Top 10 independent adventure comics I'm looking forward to this year.
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